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Paddy Nevile

Paddy Neville - President

Paddy Neville is a retired FDNY Lieutenant currently living in Garrision, New York. He was among the first firemen that responded to the fallen twin towers on 9/11 and spent the next five months in lower Manhattan assisting with the relief efforts. Diminished lung capacity (directly related to his 9/11 efforts) lead to his early retirement after 18 years of dedicated service.


In addition to his civic service, Paddy has worked as a skilled carpenter, mason and heavy equipment operator. These trade skills have served him well in two different areas: the US Navy and service organizations. In 1997, Paddy joined the US Naval reserves and was deployed to Kuwait and Iraq in February 2003 where he spent eight months as a combat engineer with a US Navy Seabee Unit. For the past several years, Paddy has worked on a number of reconstruction projects that benefitted either residents devastated by natural disasters or veterans sustaining life altering combat injuries.


Paddy continues to serve his fellow veterans through VFW Post 12033 and is married with two children.

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